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EJB Financial Solutions - Raleigh, Durham, North Carolina Financial Coaching & Business, Bookkeeping services

About Ericka

Ericka J. Brunson is a speaker and Financial Expert who has dedicated herself to helping others achieve the best in life through financial planning and education. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting and a Master's Degree in Business Administration from Campbell University in Buies Creek, NC. As founder and CEO of EJB Financial Solutions, Ericka is able to reach people around the nation with her message of empowerment.


Ericka has over 25 years of experience in managerial accounting gives her insight into navigating complex financial structures. Her passion for helping others in her community motivates her to share her insights with people who may struggle with things like budgeting, saving, and maximizing income.


While apprised in personal finance and planning, her time in the corporate world afforded her the opportunity to learn how large multi-level institutions operate. This insight has given her the ability to understand financial issues from both an individual and business perspective & has helped her to serve her clients better. She is grateful for the education her career has given her as well as the opportunity to share what she has learned with her clients.

Ericka Brunson has a goal to educate as many individuals as possible to live a life of financial independence.  She believes in teaching individuals to overcome generational curses that have become stumbling blocks to obtaining Financial Independence.  Everyone has the ability to create wealth and live a life of Financial Freedom. 

~ Let's Build Generational Wealth, Together ~

Book Ericka For Your Next Event

 If you are seeking a qualified financial speaker for your event please contact Ericka Brunson using the Booking Request Form below.​Topics of discussion may include budgeting, debt elimination, credit analysis, wealth building, retirement, generational wealth, and financial independence.  



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